Are you abusing social media or is social media abusing you?

I believe sometimes, we as people, abuse social media and I can be honest and say that I have abused social media myself. As soon as I would wake up, I would grab my phone and check Facebook or Instagram before even saying my prayers and I had to make a change and that I did. Social media can be toxic, depending on the people you follow, your followers, the content that you post, and your agenda when using social media. Too some social media is a paycheck, some it’s a dating site, and too some it’s a playground.

There’s Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, and Twitter just to name a few; To me, Facebook was always an app that allowed you to connect to people from your past. Snapchat was an app that you used for fun. Instagram was the app where you came to be famous/popular. Twitter is too share thoughts with millions of strangers. And last, but not least, Tumblr is for the creative minds and poets. Each app has its own meaning depending on the user;


If you feel that social media makes you unhappy or brings some form of negativity into your life, then change it. Go outside more, unfollow negative people, go to bed early, read instead of scrolling until after midnight, don’t post for validation, don’t stalk people’s pages, follow more motivational pages and entrepreneurs, and do more things that challenge you. Put your phone down for one hour and trust you will feel a tone better mentally and physically.

No matter how many likes you get, it will never be enough especially if those likes makes you feel good about yourself or better that someone else, because their will always be someone out there that has more followers or more views and you can’t expect a stranger to know the true you.

 I remember seeing a saying that went somewhat like, “We’re living in an era where capturing moments with our phones is more important than actually living and enjoying life and creating memories with people that really love us.” And that’s a powerful statement; you can have someone beside you daily that tells you how pretty you are, sends you motivational good morning quotes, wipes your tears when you’re sad, takes all your negative energy that leaves them drained just too see you smile and shine bright, but you would ignore that person and treat them as if their invisible or take them for granted and shower a stranger, or someone who doesn’t even measure up too that real supporter, with love, compliments, and so much gratitude and it’s truly a sad situation to see or be apart of.


And another negative to abusing social media is those who feel that social media is a diary and sorry, it’s not. A diary can be locked or placed somewhere safe where only you will know where it’s placed; I know social media has a delete button, but people are very quick with their fingers and the special magic of a screenshot; you can have a Facebook post, or any post for that matter, up for less than 60 seconds and someone could have been have screenshot the post and share it to a few people that can quickly turn into one hundred people and that my friend is the power of the internet.

Be careful at what you post on your page or story because it can be permanent. Don’t give strangers the privilege of knowing everything about you. There is a such thing as quiet progress; Some may care, depending on how selective you are at accepting friend request. Some may feel, if it’s not posted, then it’s not happening or that it doesn’t matter. When social media becomes your only way to express yourself or connect with loved ones then it’s time rethink the way you use social media.


If you have time to apologize, comment, rant, complain, address, announce, and interact on social media then you have time to better yourself and connect or reconnect with your friends and family. Most people live only for their image and I don’t say that to bash wearing makeup, wearing designer, wearing frontals, and shopping all over the world.

What I mean to address, is that people shouldn’t dedicate their lives to only focusing on their self-image in ways that you become vain and are not humble and respectful to those that don’t because not everyone who has a Coach bag is rich and not everyone that shops at TJ Maxx is living paycheck to paycheck. Never judge a book by it’s cover; read the cover, title page, Epigram, Table of Contents, introduction, and just maybe you may have scratched the surface, but after reading all those important elements do you truly understand the meaning of the book and who it became a bestseller in the first place? And if you don’t will you continue to read the chapters and search for other work by that same author?


At the end of it all, Live life the best way you know how; Privacy is everything; never regret being a good person to the wrong people; you don’t need a fan club to achieve your goals, be your own motivation; BE CAREFUL WITH HOW MUCH YOU TOLERATE. YOU ARE TEACHING THEM HOW TO TREAT YOU. Be Happy, Be great, Be you!

Published by Diamondlwrites

I'm an aspiring author and personal blogger. I started blogging in January of 2019 and I've been enhancing my creative writing skills for over three years. I enjoy sharing my experiences, ideas, and lifestyle with the online community. My goal is to grow creatively, as well as, connect with others who shares the same goals and interest as I do. I’m currently working on a short story which I will submit some of my favorite publishing companies. Creating my own line of Journals, planners, and notebooks is my next project. My saying is speak it, believe it, dream it, work hard for it.

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