What’s your self care routine?

Self care is a necessity and sometimes it can be placed on the back burner because of the demands of family, friends, work, goals, and just life in general. I always tell myself, “if I don’t make myself happy then how can I bring happiness to others?” And sometimes self care can be confused with being selfish and I don’t believe that’s the case. Selfishness is putting your wants and needs of yourself over others. And self care is all about the mind, body, soul, and spirit. I believe that self care cures selfishness, because when we care for ourselves we encounter peace and happiness, that we can’t help but want others to feel, so then we share, even when those who we share it too are the selfish ones.

When I think of self care I think of my negatives and my positives. What brings out the happiness in me? What brings out the negativity in me? What connects to my soul? What gives me energy? What makes me laugh? What makes me dream? And when you start to think of it please write it down. And add some new thoughts to that paper as well because you can never do too much self care. One of my favorite self care tips of all time is prayer, music, and books! If I was stuck somewhere for a long time and I had to find a way to pass time thoughts are some things I would do. Music makes me think, dream, write, and imagine. Prayer balances me and brings me peace. And books brings me comfort and excitement because it’s like going on a trip! I’m a African American urban fiction reader fanatic (I’ll post some of my favorite authors below.)

Some days you might not enjoy any of your favorite pick me ups and I find that, from my personal experiences, is that it’s something deeper than just being stressed or moody. I try to redirect my thinking, but not in a way that I dismiss my feelings that’s making me feel down, but I like to dig down into the root of my emotions. Usually, it takes some honesty and being honest with yourself can open up a tunnel of emotions, which will be a great start of your healing process. If you’re not honest with yourself then you will remain that grey person. If you can’t be honest with yourself, then it’s time for some prayer and soul searching, because nobody on this earth understands you more than yourself. Well unless you are a twin or been together for years and even then there’s some things that you just don’t tell others. But I do find that when I open myself up more that I’m able to locate why I’m feeling sad, hurt, angry, or any other emotion that is a negative reflection of my usual positive self. I then can find a resolution and while you’re doing that enjoy a good meal or have a snack near by because your going to need it after such a draining soul session. That’s another pleasure of mine. Food! If I can’t sleep, bored, or happy I eat. Now I don’t stuff myself, but food makes me dance. I hope that you embrace what makes you happy and let go off what makes you sad. 😀

My self care list lol

Published by Diamondlwrites

I'm an aspiring author and personal blogger. I started blogging in January of 2019 and I've been enhancing my creative writing skills for over three years. I enjoy sharing my experiences, ideas, and lifestyle with the online community. My goal is to grow creatively, as well as, connect with others who shares the same goals and interest as I do. I’m currently working on a short story which I will submit some of my favorite publishing companies. Creating my own line of Journals, planners, and notebooks is my next project. My saying is speak it, believe it, dream it, work hard for it.

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