How do protect your energy?

What you allow to penetrate your mental capacity will either build you or break you. What you answer to will either define you or redirect you. What you speak will either shape you or contort you. Listen, act, and learn. Everyday is a day to make a change within yourself and others, you just haveContinue reading "How do protect your energy?"

Are you an empath?

Are you the type of person who feels everything even when it shouldn’t even affect you personally. Movie scenes, death of strangers, music, and sweet family moments. All of those will make me drop a tear or more. Or something happens and you feel like this either happened before or you predicted that it wouldContinue reading "Are you an empath?"

Summer fund or summer fun?

Have any financial goals for the summer? For some of us, summertime means vacationing, long days at the beach, and lounging at the pool. For some, there’s summer school, college, and driving tests. And then there’s the workers, volunteers, and savers. I’m a little bit of everything. We all don’t have the luxury of relaxingContinue reading "Summer fund or summer fun?"

Have any travel plans for summer 19’?

What are your plans for the summer? Do you plan on taking a road trip, girls trip, romantic getaway, or just a much needed vacation of peace and relaxation? How about a cruise? I guess it all depends on your travel preferences. Are you terrified of heights? Do you have fear of drowning? Is theContinue reading "Have any travel plans for summer 19’?"

May- Mental Health Awareness Month

Happy 1st of May. Unfortunately, the importance of mental health wasn't prioritized as a child and neither did I decide to make it a priority until maybe somewhere around mid-year 2017. I laughed when describing painful or traumatizing memories from my childhood and then from my teens until adulthood, just because that's the only wayContinue reading "May- Mental Health Awareness Month"

Let your energy guide you.

You ever find yourself in awe of your capabilities? The same capabilities that you figured was such a task that couldn’t be completed by you because you felt that you were to weak, emotional, scared, or ashamed. Have you ever felt emotion so strong that it scared you and you didn’t know how to ejectContinue reading "Let your energy guide you."

90s kids in the 2000s

If you were fortunate to be born in the early 90s you’re amongst the lucky and blessed ones to experience music when it meant something, J-14 magazine with personality quizzes, chirp phones, the excitement of having your own phone line, VHS tapes, rugrats and the powerpuff girls,MySpace, and many more. Whenever you got a newContinue reading "90s kids in the 2000s"

Is your happiness really a priority?

I came across a saying that stated that people will say that their goal in life is that they want to be happy. Which should be everyone’s dream because who doesn’t want to live a happy life? But it also asked that you be more specific in your quest for happiness? Happiness is just aContinue reading "Is your happiness really a priority?"

Note to self

Do you have the faintest idea on how to truly to be happy? Or those it just happen? Of course you have hobbies, family, and friends to contribute to that happiness, but even that can bring hurt and pain. And can you be happy alone or just content with being alone because you’re used toContinue reading "Note to self"